Henry of MonmouthOr, Memoirs of the Life and Character of Henry the Fifth, as Prince of Wales and King of England【電子書籍】[ J. Endell Tyler ]
<p>This edition features</p> <p>? two complete books<br /> ? illustrations<br /> ? a linked Table of Contents and Footnotes</p> <p>CONTENTS (abridged list)<br /> VOLUME I.<br /> CHAPTER I. 1387-1398.<br /> Henry of Monmouth's Parents. ー Time and place of his Birth. ー John of Gaunt and Blanche of Lancaster. ー Henry Bolinbroke. ー Monmouth Castle. ー Henry's infancy and childhood. ー His education. ー Residence in Oxford. ー Bolinbroke's Banishment.<br /> ...<br /> CHAPTER XVI.<br /> Story of Prince Henry and the Chief Justice, first found in the Work of Sir Thomas Elyot, published nearly a century and a half subsequently to the supposed transaction. ー Sir John Hawkins ー Hall ー Hume. ー No allusion to the circumstance in the Early Chroniclers. ー Dispute as to the Judge. ー Various Claimants of the distinction. ー Gascoyne ー Hankford ー Hody ー Markham. ー Some interesting particulars with regard to Gascoyne, lately discovered and verified. ー Improbability of the entire Story.<br /> APPENDIX.</p> <p>VOLUME II.<br /> CHAPTER XVII. 1413-1414.<br /> Henry of Monmouth's Accession. ー National rejoicings. ー His profound sense of the Awfulness of the Charge devolved upon him. ー Coronation. ー First Parliament. ー Habits of business. ー He removes the remains of Richard to Westminster. ー Redeems the Son of Hotspur, and restores him to his forfeited honours and estates. ー Generous conduct towards the Earl of March. ー Parliament at Leicester. ー Enactments against Lollards. ー Henry's Foundations at Shene and Sion.<br /> ...<br /> CHAPTER XXXII.<br /> The Case of John Clayton, Richard Gurmyn, and William Taylor, burnt for Heresy, examined. ー Result of the Investigation. ー Henry not a Persecutor. ー Reflections.<br /> APPENDIX.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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